“And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as in the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see “the Day approaching.”
-Hebrews 10:24-25
The New Creation "Catch The Vision" (CTV) New Members Orientation is designed to provide members information regarding biblical doctrine that NCCF believes, the organizational structure of the church, the expectations of members, the Holy Spirit and how to get connected (Sunday School, Life Groups, Peer Groups, Ministries and Volunteering). The class also teaches basic biblical principles that will empower you in your Christian walk. If you newly saved or recently rededicated your life, this course will help you jumpstart your life in Christ. It is our prayer that each person that attends this course will be empowered with the tools needed to live a successful Christian life and fully understand what we believe as a local body.
It is our desire that each member will CONNECT, GROW, SERVE, and GO. We want you to CONNECT with the ministry by faithfully attending worship services, and being an active participant in an area of ministry. GROW in God's Word as a believer. SERVE in an area of ministry, and GO transform lives through Jesus Christ in your community and the world.

Lesson 1:
This lesson is about the history of NCCF from past to present. You will learn the meaning of the church logo, mission and vision statement, as well as the core values established by our founders Bishop David Michael Copeland and Dr. Claudette Anderson Copeland.
Bishop David M. Copeland, the Presiding Prelate is who of Apostolic Succession. and comes from the background of Church of God in Christ (COGIC) and Pastor Emerita Claudette A. Copeland comes with a Pentecostal background. Our leadership is known in Black History as being the first active duty African American Commissioned couple in the United States Air Force Chaplaincy, in fact in any of the Armed services. After they served 7 years in the military, NCCF opened its doors in 1985. In years past, Bishop Copeland participated in the “Azusa Street Revivals”, a known historical Pentecostal movement that propelled him into ministry.
Lesson 2:
New Creation Christian Fellowship is an Inter-denomination church. We have a cross section of backgrounds of different denominations represented in our church. This lesson will provide insight on what our church believes, according to the Word of God.
Before you join any organization, it is imperative that one knows what the foundation is based upon. We believe in the Bible, the Trinity, the Redemption of Man, and we celebrate the Ordinances of the church. In AD 325, the First Council of Nicaea which consisted of a council of Bishops (many were our black forefathers) that convened to attain a consensus of their beliefs pertaining to the Christological issue of the divinity nature of Christ. They were ready to plead their beliefs and or go to battle for the cause if necessary, to have them documented in the Nicaea Creed, aka the Apostolic Creed. The Nicene Creed has been accepted widely across many denominations and speaks directly to what we believe at NCCF.
Lesson 3:
This lesson provides the understanding of the importance of being part of a local church. This is another key that opens doors of spiritual growth, maturity, and yields eternal benefits of being a part of the body of Christ.
Lesson 5:
This lesson provides an understanding of how one can experience a victorious life in Christ. Through God’s word we can live a Christ –centered and Spirit-controlled
life of power and purpose.
There are five basic principles that we look to as the catalyst of Christian growth to mature. They are linked in vertical relationships (our communication with God), horizontal relationships (our communication with people), and obedience. Through it all, the church becomes an abode (dwelling place) for spiritual growth. Have you grown from being a carnal, flesh controlled Christian to living a Christ centered spirit-controlled life?
Lesson 6:
There is structure in the Body of Christ which follows the mandates of biblical principles for the Church. This lesson will introduce the organizational structure and explain the ecclesiastical attire worn by the clergy of NCCF.
Underneath this caption state: “I do not stand alone”. NCCF is a 501 3(C) non-profit organization. We have an ADVISORY BOARD which governs the church and by law is accountable for the affairs of the church. The board consists of The Bishop, the Pastor, (3) congregational representatives, and (2) ministerial representatives of which all are voting members. Other members – Finance Officer, Secretary of the Board, Lawyer, Realtor, and special advisors who may help the church make the best decision possible. Where there is no structure, there is chaos.
Lesson 7:
NCCF believes the real power of God is manifested through the Holy Spirit. It is an important link to walking in power, influence, and victory. In this lesson you will learn who the Holy Spirit is and why did He come, and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
In the New Testament, the church is known as the eccelsia – meaning the “called out” (assembly). The basic purpose of the church is to preach the Word. In coming to church, you receive instruction and guidance from an accountable source, your pastors. Your presence and engagement in corporate worship, prayer, and fasting on one accord moves God and releases His blessings. There is strength in unity. Participating in the local church is not an option for the child of God for it imperative and yields eternal benefits.
Lesson 4:
New Creation Christian Fellowship wants every member to feel connected as they partner in the ministry by serving and using their gifts and talents. When you commit to attend church regularly, you are fulfilling your role to help keep our church vibrant and strong.
The Holy Spirit has INTELLECT + EMOTIONS + WILL = PERSONALITY=A PERSON. He has all the Divine attributes ascribed to the Father and the Son, but He has a different and purpose. The indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit after salvation produces year “Legal Right”. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Being Filled) produces the “Power” to execute your right!
Lesson 8:
We believe that is vital for every member to be connected within the NCCF community. Being involved with in a group or ministry will give you a sense of belonging and you are more fulfilled when connected with a group of believers.
God sets forth expectations of us, church members. We can be in church, but do we allow the church to be in us. You are a significant part of the body of Christ. Partner with us and support the church’s vision/mission by being involved in programs and fellowship with fellow believers in a corporate setting. Attend regular church services, Sunday school, and Bible study consistently, not just when trouble comes. We are all called to be servants, called to serve not just to receive. To move God’s church forward, God expects us to be good stewards over all our blessings. We obey his Word by bringing the tithe back to the storehouse. What you make happen for the Lord’s house, He will open the doors of heaven and return unto your house more than you can imagine.
The Holy Spirit has INTELLECT + EMOTIONS + WILL = PERSONALITY=A PERSON. He has all the Divine attributes ascribed to the Father and the Son, but He has a different and purpose. The indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit after salvation produces year “Legal Right”. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Being Filled) produces the “Power” to execute your right!
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At NCCF, the spirit of Excellence resides in everything that we do, for the glory of God. So there will be times that our Bishop, Pastor and other clergy will be clothed in Liturgical Vestments. Following is a brief description.